
"Hi! Kooh" is a Mountain Hiker Crowd Control App combined with entertainment purposes.
During the pandemic: managing the flow of hikers; post-pandemic: ensuring comfortable mountain climbing experiences.


In response to epidemic prevention policies, the government closed o many mountains and prohibited climbing. As the situation improved, the government gradually reopened the hills to the public, leading to “revenge hiking.”

Source: Taiwanese local news
picture left: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YBI2RXl9Tk
picture right: https://vip.udn.com/vip/story/121160/5231565

What do hikers think?

Is the news footage we are seeing real?


We conducted online questionnaires and received 95 responses.

Our goal:
- To better understand the thoughts and realities of "revenge hiking" among the hiking community.
- The dependence and habits of hikers regarding their hiking activities.

Questionnaires result

What do you think about crowds when hiking in the mountains after they reopen?
What level of crowding do you prefer when hiking?

Based on the survey results, we have compiled the following information:
1. Many people go hiking after the reopening of the mountains.
2. Even without a pandemic, most people prefer not to encounter large crowds while hiking.

Qualitative interviews

We interviewed a mountaineering club member and a guide teacher to understand how pandemic policies affected regular hikers.

“Pandemic policies should be more comprehensive. Some members of the club hiked illegally during the mountain closures, raising concerns about a potential resurgence of the virus.”

“I hope the government can effectively manage the flow of people and not completely shut down this activity. I want to return to normal hiking days as soon as possible."

Field survey

On November 14, 2021, we visited Xiangshan for a field survey. Even though restrictions had eased, most people were still wearing masks, and there was no real-name registration QR code at the entrance.

We believe the lack of a QR code is due to the open and airy conditions on the mountain, which reduce infection risks. We also noticed many families hiking there. This observation helped us shape our perspective.

shot on November 14, 2021



- Inform the public about the current hiking conditions to avoid crowds and alleviate anxiety.
- Add some fun for parents taking their children out.

What do hikers think?

Considering the needs mentioned above, we proposed an APP.

The app contains these functions:
1. Use tasks to spread out hikers.
2. See current hiker numbers and avoid crowds.
3. Challenge friends to hike together.
4. Make hiking a game.
5. Family-friendly.
6. Collect items for fun. (Interviewees agree that they enjoy the feeling of conquering mountains, which they view as collecting trophies.)

App architecture

UI Design

Project duration: 2021.09~2022.01

Fang-Yun Wu: UI design, UX discussions, digital illustration
Zhao-He Zeng: Character sketch, software development, UX discussions
Bing-Lin Dong: UX discussions, presentation

Instructor: Chun-Ching Chen